Food Technology & Health Engineer
Food Technology & Health Engineer
The Food and Health Technology (FTH) Program aims to train engineers with the following knowledge and skills:
- Train students to become engineers with knowledge and professional capacity in food processes, techniques to control those processes as well as knowledge in management and operation of systems to perform tasks such as consulting, designing, installing systems and lines in food production; supervising the operation of production lines and factories to ensure compliance with national and international laws and regulations; and/or have in-depth knowledge of the properties of food, nutrition, the mechanism of action of food ingredients, the effects and risks of food on human health, as well as techniques to manage risks from food.
- Train students with knowledge of financial management, resource management and business development so that students can participate in operational activities, organize factories or create and develop their own food businesses.
- Train students with the ability to self-study, work independently or in groups, research and discover new trends in cuisine and nutrition; the ability to link social, economic and human factors to plan, determine goals and organize implementation to solve problems related to food in society; or participate as consultants, managers, and policy makers in food management agencies and organizations.
- Train students in foreign language skills, good communication to integrate into the international environment, improve self-study ability and proactively update new knowledge and achievements in food science in the world to be able to apply to the conditions of Vietnam.
Major name:
Vietnamese: Công nghệ thực phẩm và sức khỏe
English: Food Techonology and Health
Major code: 7540118
Degree: Engineering
Vietnamese: Kỹ sư Công nghệ thực phẩm và sức khỏe (Chương trình chất lượng cao)
English: The Degree of Engineer in Food Techonology and Health (Honors Program)
Teaching language: Vietnamese with English enhance.
Teaching duration: 4.5 years
The undergraduate training programs at VJU are high-quality training programs according to the characteristics of the unit, so the tuition fee will be according to the approved Technical Economic Norms. Tuition fees for students enrolling in 2024 are as follows:
- Tuition fee: 58,000,000 VND/1 student/1 academic year (paid per semester, 29,000,000 VND per semester).
- The above tuition fee remains unchanged throughout the entire course if students study according to the University’s training plan.
- The above tuition fee does not include admission fees, retake fees, grade improvement fees and other fees due to additional services outside the training program or due to students not meeting the training time according to the University’s plan.
The University allocates at least 8% of the annual tuition fee revenue to provide scholarships to encourage learning. Students with excellent entrance and academic achievements in each semester receive scholarships, accounting for about 16% of the total number of students in each course. In addition, the University also has scholarships granted by sponsors and Japanese and Vietnamese enterprises for each semester such as Yamamoto, Deha, Pasona Tech, BIDV scholarships, etc. Students of VNU can also register to receive valuable scholarships managed by Hanoi National University such as Kumho Asiana, Mitsubishi, Yamada, Posco, Annex, ADF, Nitori, Dinh Thien Ly, K-T, Vingroup Scholarship, Lighting up Faith Scholarship, etc.
- Food Processing and Preservation
- Food Safety and Health
5.1 Liberal education philosophy
Provides a broad knowledge base, including social sciences and natural sciences, so that students can develop comprehensively in specialized fields, have high self-study and self-development abilities, and increase their ability to adapt to circumstances and rapid changes in society.
5.2 Applicability
Provides students with the ability to think creatively, develop research ideas in interdisciplinary fields, and develop models and applied solutions for problems and goals set in the field of Food Science and Technology.
5.3 Opportunity to experience Japanese education right in Vietnam
Students have the opportunity to study in an international environment with experienced lecturers from Japanese universities. Students also have the opportunity to participate in exchange courses or transfer courses at partner universities in Japan, and participate in cultural exchange activities with Japanese students.
5.4 Focus on fostering foreign language skills
The training program is designed with many modules taught in English, so graduates will have an English level equivalent to B2, level 4 in the 6-level scale of the Vietnamese Foreign Language Proficiency Framework. In addition, students learn basic Japanese and can register for advanced Japanese courses according to their needs.
5.5 Modern learning methods
The program is designed with many modules using active learning methods. Based on the experience of Japanese universities, the form of learning through seminars helps students develop communication, discussion, and teamwork skills and increase interaction between lecturers and students and between students and students.
5.6 High practicality
Practical content is included in the curriculum through a series of seminars and open lectures with the participation of experienced experts from organizations and businesses in Japan, Vietnam and other international agencies and organizations. Students will also have the opportunity to directly interact with organizations and businesses through practical internship programs.
6.1 Training program
The training program includes 165 credits, including the following knowledge blocks:
- General knowledge block: 26 credits
- Knowledge block by field: 31 credits
- Knowledge block by industry block: 26 credits
- Knowledge block by industry group: 25 credits
- Industry knowledge block: 57 credits
6.2 Learning path
The learning path is divided into two main stages:
– In the first 2 years, students will acquire general education knowledge, foreign languages, knowledge about current global issues of concern, information technology knowledge and basic knowledge of Food Science and Technology.
– From the third year, students will study the basic subjects of Food Science and Technology, Food Nutrition Science. Students, then, according to their personal choice or guidance from the lecturer, can choose to pursue one of two (or both) specialized directions in Food Processing and Preservation or Food Safety and Health. In addition, due to the specificity of the connection with the Smart and Sustainable Agriculture program, students can also choose to pursue one of the specialized majors of the Smart and Sustainable Agriculture program (including: Ecological Agriculture, Advanced Japanese Agriculture, and Establishment and Management of Agricultural Enterprises) to pursue and graduate with the major in Smart and Sustainable Agriculture.

Dr. Dang Minh Hieu
Program Director

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eriko Yasunaga
Program Advisor
Post-Harvest Technology

Dr. Hoang Thi Thu Duyen
Environmental Science

Dr. Nguyen Thi Hoang Ha
Environmental Geochemistry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Thang
Biochemistry – Molecular Biology

Dr. Vu Van In
Aquaculture Technology

Dr. Ta Kim Nhung
Plant Genetics
9. Learning outcome
1. Outcomes
1.1. Knowledge
- PLO1: Apply knowledge, general theory of philosophy, general theories of philosophy, economics, ideology, and policies of the Vietnamese state, and Ho Chi Minh’s ideology to solve specific problems in the field of Food Technology.
- PLO2: Apply basic knowledge in life sciences and natural sciences as a basis to solve a specific problem in food and health science.
- PLO3: Apply knowledge about the properties and processes in food, operating principles, and machine design to be able to make appropriate choices in technology and techniques in the construction and operation of production lines, food processing and preservation systems.
- PLO4: Apply the basic knowledge of physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, statistics, biology, etc. in evaluating and controlling the quality of food products; analyze nutrition and health risks; create and develop new food products.
- PLO5: Apply basic knowledge of information technology and management in building a food product quality management system, managing and distributing food products, implementing digital transformation in food technology, and waste control in food technology.
- PLO6: Apply knowledge about nutrition and health to design, develop, and plan production for a specific food product targeting a specific group of targets in society.
1.2. Skills
- PLO7: Apply basic skills in research and work in laboratories on product development, food quality analysis, machines and control systems in food technology.
- PLO8: Meets level 4 English proficiency requirements according to the 6-level Foreign Language Competency Framework for Vietnam issued by the Ministry of Education and Training.
- PLO9: Use the ability to quantify, analyze, reason, and process information in evaluating and reviewing professional issues in food science and technology.
- PlO10: Use multidimensional thinking abilities, detect problems, search, analyze, and process information to provide solutions to practical problems in food science and technology.
- PLO11: Use design and construction thinking to analyze and make the right and reasonable choice of equipment, systems/lines for a specific production activity.
- PLO12: Use management and systematic thinking to control or operate a system/chain in food production, processing, and distribution; manage and monitor food product quality.
- PLO13: Have the ability to work independently or in groups, build personal goals, manage time and resources; ability to evaluate the quality of work after completion; effective presentation and communication skills.
1.3. Moral qualities
- PLO14: Humility, honesty, and integrity in work and professional activities; respect the law; comply with regulations and discipline in work, professional activities as well as other activities in social life.
1.4. Ability to be autonomous and responsible
- PLO15: Have the ability to take responsibility, enthusiasm, and reliability in work; have a responsibility towards society and a sense of community service; consciously protect and act against bad actors that affect and harm work and the sustainable development of the professional field.
For detailed information on admissions: Click here
Admission quota for 2024: 55 students
Admission methods:
- Evaluation of application and interview
- Admission based on high school graduation exam results
- Admission based on the results of the High School Student Ability Assessment exam by the VNU in the admission year
- Admission through other methods:
- Evaluation of international language certificates (English, Japanese) combined with the 2024 high school graduation exam results
- Admission based on standardized test results (SAT, ACT, A-Level certificates)
- Direct admission and priority admission according to the school’s project