VNU Vietnam Japan University (VJU) is a member university of Vietnam National University, Hanoi. VJU’S QA system is built and developed to evaluate, control, maintain, and continuously improve the quality of all activities in the University, including training activities, research, and serving the community, in accordance with the vision, mission, and educational philosophy of the University and the needs of stakeholders. The IQA model of Vietnam Japan University is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The IQA model applied at Vietnam Japan University
All individuals and units are responsible for the IQA activities of the University which are directed, assigned, and implemented according to the diagram described in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Model of assignment of IQA duties at Vietnam Japan University
I. Responsibilities of the Rector Board
- Direct the organization and implementation of QA activities based on the guidelines and resolutions of the Board of Presidents of Vietnam National University through the VNU Institute for Education Quality Assurance.
- Direct the development of the document system, the short-term and yearly plans for the QA activities.
- Direct the inspection, supervision, and evaluation of the results of QA activities in units and individuals in the University.
II. Responsibilities of the Educational Testing and Quality Assurance Office
- Implement guidelines and policies, proposing documents and regulations on QA activities within the University.
- Develop and submit for promulgation medium-term and annual plans to ensure the implementation of QA strategic plans at the University.
- Advise and assist the Rectorate Board in organizing activities to raise awareness of staff, lecturers, employees as well as students about QA of the University.
- Advise and support the members of the University to implement the activities of the University of Education.
- Be the focal point in implementing the accreditation of the quality of educational institutions and training programs of all levels according to the standards and regulations to the Ministry of Education and Training.
- Responsible for formulating plans and reports on the VJU’s quality improvement after self-assessment and external assessment; advising and supporting Faculties/Programs to develop plans and reports on improving the quality of training programs after self-assessment and external assessment.
- Support and guide the members of the University in the gathering, archiving of exhibitions; periodically update the exhibition system in service of education quality accreditation.
- To monitor, review and preserve exhibitions.
- To monitor, inspect, supervise and evaluate the implementation of QA activities.
- To perform other professional tasks as assigned by the Rectorate Board.
III. Responsibilities of functional offices
- Develop and complete a system of documents according to their assigned functions and tasks, meeting the requirements of the set of standards for quality assessment of Institutions and training programs according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
- Coordinate with the Educational Testing and Quality Assurance Office to implement tasks related to VJU’s education quality accreditation activities.
- Dispatch staff participating in the process of self-assessment and external assessment.
- To carry out the QA activities according to the functions and tasks of the specific units:
- Educational Testing and Quality Assurance Office: Assume the prime responsibility for implementing the QA activities to collect feedback from stakeholders; carry out benchmarking; and publicize according to regulations…
- Administrative Office: To assume the prime responsibility for implementing the QA activities related to the organization of the apparatus, personnel, administration, clerical work, information technology and communication of the University.
- Planning – Finance Office: Assume the prime responsibility for implementing the QA activities related to the entire plan and finance as well as the facilities and equipment of the University.
- Academic and Student Affairs Office: To preside over training activities related to the field of training such as training activities, admission and enrollment activities, design and review training programs, training result management, etc … and preside over the QA activities related to serving and supporting students and social contribution.
R&D Promotion, Cooperation and Development Office: To assume the prime responsibility for implementing the QA activities related to the field of scientific research and international cooperation such as: policies on scientific research in the University; networks and units cooperating in scientific research; management of scientific research and intellectual property in the University,…
IV. Responsibilities of Faculties/Training Programs:
- Develop the mission, objectives, and development strategy of the Faculties/Training Programs based on the University’s mission, objectives, and development strategy.
- Actively coordinate with the Educational Testing and Quality Assurance Office to collect exhibitions and prepare for self-assessment of training programs in the faculties.
- To assume the prime responsibility for formulating and implementing plans to improve the quality of training programs after self-assessment and external assessment with the support of the Educational Testing and Quality Assurance Office.