Three students of Master’s Program in Environmental Engineering (MEE) joined “5th International Conference on Sustainable Future in Asia held in Yangon, Myanmar 21 to 22 January. All the students did very good poster presentation and Vu Thi My Hanh won the best poster award. This award was given to 6 presenters out of 54 posters.
Vu Thi My Hanh (on the far left) won the the Best Poster Award
The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan, is undertaking a broad range of environmental research toward the realization of sustainable societies. To disseminate the outcomes of this research at NIES and to bridge the gaps between science and policy, in 2016 NIES initiated the Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia in collaboration with the University of Tokyo and the Asian Institute of Technology. The 5th International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia was held in Myanmar on January 21 and 22, 2020. The aim of the forum is to create a foundation for a consortium of relevant institutions and governments in the region that will facilitate the exchange of knowledge gained through research and catalyze dialogue at the policy–research interface in the spheres of environmental management and sustainable development in Asia.
VJU students and lecturer attended the Forum
Best poster award
Vu Thi My Hanh, Katayama Hiroyuki, Kasuga Ikuro: Prevalence of Plasmid-mediated Colistin Resistance Gene mcr-1 in Domestic Wastewater
Poster presentations
1) Pham Minh Ngoc: Profiling Fecal Pollution in Rivers in Hanoi, Vietnam, by Host-specific Bacteroidales and crAssphage markers
2) Vu Thi My Hanh: Prevalence of Plasmid-mediated Colistin Resistance Gene mcr-1 in Domestic Wastewater
3) Honour Oladele: Photocatalytic Activity of Nano TiO2 Powder for Dye and Antibiotic Degradation
Invited talk
4) Assoc. Prof. Kasuga Ikuro: Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance in the Context of SDGs in Asia
5) Prof. Katayama Hiroyuki: Microbial Safety in Water Reuse