Why do we need a perspective of FVC (food value chain)  in sustainable agricultural development?

Conventionally, it has been believed that if farmers increase their productivity and produce good products, their products shall be sold well and farmer’s income increase. But in reality, it could be sold at a low price, or it couldn’t sold well if their product don’t meet market needs. Farmer can’t increase their income and lost motivation. It is necessary to think about what products the market request, how to sell it with higher price, and how to increase its value. In order to improve farm’s income and motivation,  it is necessary to change the consciousness of producing high value products that meet market needs.

The Lunch petit seminar in September titled Sustainable Agricultural Development and Food Value Chain is to be presented by Dr. Makoto INABA  (Mr.) – Senior Advisor on Promotion of Food Value Chain in Ngeh An Province, Japan International Cooperation Agency ( JICA).

Time: 13:00 – 14:00PM

Venue: Online (The platform will be updated soon)

See our speaker’s profile here.


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