On Thursday, April 14, 2022, more than 50 students of the BJS and BCSE programs, Vietnam Japan University (VJU) had the opportunity to visit and participated in a lecture at DENSO Manufacturing Vietnam Co., Ltd (DMVN). The trip is within the framework of cooperation program with MITANI SANGYO Co., Ltd. and KOGANEI SEIKI Co., Ltd.

At the beginning of the lecture, General Director of DMVN, Mr. Mitsuo Ota had an introduction about DENSO global in general and DENSO Vietnam in particular. Since the establishment of DMVN, the company has made great contributions to Vietnam’s economy as well as cooperated with other businesses to promote the development of technology and infrastructure of the parties.

Right after that, General Director Mitsuo Ota gave a lecture with the topic “DENSO-style Lean Manufacturing and People Development”. “Spirit of wisdom and comprehensive strength” is the guideline for all activities of DENSO employees around the world. DENSO’s production aims to provide the world’s best products to customers in fields such as mechanical parts, machinery, auto parts, etc. DMVN is a pioneer in production through technology development and skills development, and strives to develop human resources for the ultimate purpose of the company. General Director Mitsuo Ota shared the contents of “Lean Manufacturing” at DENSO to respond to environmental changes during development and production, to meet the needs of today’s society. Next, General Director Mitsuo Ota shared about Lean Automation System Integrators – LASI (Lean Automation System Integrators), which eliminates waste by automation steps but still focuses on people.

After attending the first lecture, VJU students continued to visit DMVN’s factory area under the guidance of Factory Director – Ms. Pham Minh Hao. With the use of well-trained high-quality human resources and modern machinery and equipment, DMVN has affirmed its pioneering position in the field of supplying technical equipment and spare parts in Vietnam. The students watched the cutting machine in action, the manual processing stages, the automatic quality control area, the VR safety inspection area, and many other stages. All activities at DMVN are strictly controlled to ensure the output quality of products and optimize production efficiency.
Immediately after visiting the factory, the students returned to the DMVN conference room to continue attending the lecture on “5S” from Ms. Pham Minh Hao, Factory Manager. 5S is a concept that refers to 5 basic actions that are very important to carry out effective operations and create good products, including: Seiri (Classification), Seiton (Arrangement), Seiso (Cleaning), Seiketsu (Maintaining) and Shitsuke (Creating Self-Conscious Habits). Ms. Pham Minh Hao believes that 5S is not limited to work, but should be applied to many aspects of students’ life, to achieve best studying and research results.

The next activity was the experience of lego assembly. The activity was very exciting and brought a lot of joy to VJU students. By applying 5S, the activity has proven 5S’s effectiveness, as all students have a much faster and more accurate result of lego assembling when compared to not applying it.

Finally, VJU students raised a lot of questions to General Director Mitsuo Ota and Factory Director Pham Minh Hao. The questions were answered very enthusiastically and helped students to understand more about DMVN as well as important knowledge in the previous lectures.
At the end of the practical experience, General Director Mitsuo Ota, Factory Director Pham Minh Hao and VJU students all expressed their gratitude and respect for each other for the values ​​achieved by both sides. VJU believes that in the future, DMVN will always be a companion of VJU and will continue to bring VJU students more great lectures and practical experiences.

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