Career Services
VJU has developed variety of career counseling sessions to help students determine their own path to set goals for life and therefore to find their jobs, internship and continuing education for PhD degree. Please refer to the information below.
Career Services
VJU helps students with a wide range of issues about career with respect your privacy. You can schedule an appointment by email
List of VJU Career Service:
Provide Information and Resources
- Facebook/VJU careers: to deliver updated information about career events, job vacancies, useful links and so on.
- Email Service
- Careers Guidebook
- Career Planning Material (Questionnaire, Academic career chart
Career Events
- Japan Career Seminar
- Company Information Session (Monthly)
- One-day Training at Japanese Company
- Working Experience (3-5 days) at Japanese Company (Summer vacation)
- Networking Party with Employers
- Seminar on How to Prepare CV
- Job Fair (June, July)
- Startup Seminar (How to Build a Business)
Seminar on Developing Skills
- Advanced Academic English
- Presentation in English
- Critical Thinking and Problem solving
- Teamwork building
Career Advising
- Careers advisers (Collaborate with HR Agent)
Searching for Work
- VJU career database (Job adverts from company interested in VJU)
Support for PhD Study
- Talking Academic Careers (JICA Experts)
- Graduate School (PhD) Guidance (Collaborate with Coordinating universities)
- Petit Seminar “Study for a doctorate in Japan”