Topic: What can’t be measured cannot be better governed? An introduction to the Viet Nam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI)

·Date: Wednesday, Dec 22nd, 2021

·Time: 09:30 – 11:30 (VST)

·Language: English

·Speaker: Ms. Do Thanh Huyen (Policy and Programme Analyst at UNDP)

Ms. Do Thanh Huyen is National Policy Analyst on Governance and Participation, UNDP Viet Nam. Ms. Huyen has been in charge of UNDP’s flagship governance monitoring tool, ‘the Viet Nam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI), as well as policy research and advocacy in anti-corruption, civil service reforms, civic engagement in policy-making, social accountability and innovation for development since 2008. She got an MA in Development Studies from the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 2008.


The PAPI research programme is the largest annual citizen-centric and nationwide and external policy monitoring tool in Viet Nam. Since its inception 12 years ago, PAPI has collected the views of 146,233 randomly selected citizens regarding government performance in governance, public administration and public service delivery, in various sectors and at all administration levels, based on citizens’ interactions with local governments and public service providers.

The overall aim of PAPI is to improve the quality of government functions, the responsiveness, transparency and accountability of public institutions and ensure basic human rights in terms of freedom of expression, access to information and access to quality services. With evidence collected from citizens as the end-users of government services, not only through PAPI surveys but also thematic research and policy advice, PAPI helps identify policy gaps that can inform policymaking agencies and motivate improvement in government performance.

Covering two government terms (2011-2016 and 2016-2021), PAPI datasets are a treasure trove of data and information that is useful for policy research and advocacy. PAPI data can also help anticipate governance trends and facilitate solutions to improve government functioning and performance, so that citizens feel more confident in governments and empowered to unleash their own potential to contribute to Viet Nam’s post-COVID recovery efforts and sustainable development.


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