Overview: The lectures present in this seminar are related to foreign direct investment and its legal aspects focusing on (i) basics of international investment protection agreement, (ii)Basics of international arbitration and alternative dispute resolution and (iii)competition restriction by foreign investment law.


08:30 Opening Remarks

08:35 Lecture 1 (Prof. Maomi Iwase)

09:35   Short Break

09:45   Lecture 2 (Prof. Yasunobu Sato)

10:45   Short Break

10:55   Lecture 3 (Prof. Eri Habu)

11:55   Closing

1. “International Investment Protection Agreement-Basics”: Professor Maomi Iwase
In this lecture, we will focus on and overview International Investment Agreements (IIAs) concluded by states, which are the international legal framework for international investment activities of businesses.

2. “International Arbitration and ADR-Basics”: Professor Yasunobu Sato

We consider the basics and practices of international commercial arbitration and ADR (alternative dispute resolution), which is used in a dispute resolution clause of an international commercial and trade contract. In particular, the seminar will focus on the recent development in Vietnam in this legal field.

3. ”Competition Policy by Foreign Investment Law “:Professor Eri Habu
In Vietnam, after the enactment of the Competition Law (2004) and subsequent major amendment introduced, it seems that the domestic market is widely liberalized. However, overseeing the real market situation in Vietnam, when checking the surrounding laws and regulations especially the Foreign Investment Law, we still find several restrictions regarding market entry and some investment cases are put out of the implementing scope of the Competition Law. This lecture will have a look at the domestic competition policy by checking some aspects of the Foreign Investment Law.

Time: Sep 13, 2021 08:30 AM Viet Nam

Language: Lecture in Japanese with Vietnamese translation

Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87147114242?pwd=SkNlSVArNzZuTjZVUFhiUlp0Ui93UT09

Meeting ID: 871 4711 4242

Passcode: RILAP

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