On Sunday, April 2, 2023, Vietnam Japan University, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, successfully organized the VJU Open Campus 2023 with the participation of many students and their parents in Hanoi and neighboring provinces.

VJU OPEN CAMPUS 2023 was held on April 2, 2023

In his speech at the opening event, Prof. Furuta Motoo, Rector of Vietnam Japan University, shared: “With the philosophy of liberal arts education and sustainable development, Vietnam Japan University focuses on training students with a foundation of extensive knowledge and ideas. Critical thinking, creativity, and vision towards the world. Thus, graduates from Vietnam Japan University can meet job needs not only in Vietnam and Japan but also in other countries worldwide.”

Professor Furuta Motoo – Rector of Vietnam Japan University gave the opening speech of the event

Liberal education is a form of education based on the “spirit of freedom of discovery”. Although not yet famous in Vietnam, liberal arts education is quite popular worldwide, especially in developed countries such as Japan and the United States. When implementing the philosophy of liberal education, the VJU attaches importance to being learner-centered, which means that learners are in control of their learning process. Accordingly, at Vietnam Japan University, learners are encouraged to develop initiative and independence in thinking, the spirit of freedom and creativity, and the spirit of self-study and in-depth research on the issues of their interest, all toward the same noble human values. With this in mind, Vietnam Japan University is continually striving to propagate the message, encourage the spirit of exploration, and bring the liberal education concept closer to the young Vietnamese generation.

Counseling table for undergraduate programs

At the VJU Open Campus 2023, students and their parents had the opportunity to meet and listen to direct advice from VJU’s lecturers in the field of study, as well as learn about job opportunities after graduation. Currently, Vietnam Japan University is organizing eight master’s programs and four undergraduate programs. In 2023, the university will continue to open two new undergraduate programs: Integrated Engineer – Master’s Programs in Intelligent Mechatronics Systems and Japanese Manufacturing, Engineer’s Program in Food Technology and Health, and a Doctoral Program in Japanese Studies. The opening of more promising fields of study in the future, directly fulfilling market requirements, has provided more comprehensive conditions for the university to implement the liberal education philosophy.

Counseling table for graduate programs

Mock interviews—a simulation of interview selection methods and competence profiles—were a particular highlight for the students, which were first implemented at VJU Open Campus. This activity has attracted more than 20 students to participate in the experience. The majority of students assessed this as a beneficial experience to help them gain more experience and prepare well for the first interview at Vietnam Japan University on April 15-16, 2023.

Mock interviews—a simulation of interview selection methods and competence profiles

Furthermore, by attending the Open Campus, young people had the chance to completely experience a cultural space imbued with Japanese spirit, allowing them to better comprehend Japanese culture as well as the university environment and extracurricular activities at the VJU.

Students at Vietnam Japan University have access to Japanese culture and education from the first day they enter the university. Every year, they have many opportunities for scholarships and exchanges with Japanese partner universities. MEXT scholarship, Yamamoto scholarship, Toshiba scholarship, JAIF scholarship, Fast Retailing scholarship, and so on. Student exchange programs to Chuo University, Waseda University, Fukuoka University, and Yamanashi University, and regularly participate in exchange activities with several Japanese universities, such as Hosei University, University of Tokyo, Shizuoka University, Kobe University, J.F. Oberlin, etc.

In addition, Vietnam Japan University currently has a total of nine student clubs, including Vietnam Japan University Artist (VJUA), VJU Media Club (OuveVJU), Vietnam Japan Cultural Club (VJU NEB), Vietnam Japan University Basketball Club (VJUB), Academic and Research Club (VJU ARC), Vietnam Japan University Photograph (VJUP), Drawing Club (VAC), Television Club (VJU NET), and Football Club (VJUS). These are all big clubs, creating a valuable playground to help VJU students not only develop soft skills but also have the opportunity to promote their talents.

**VJU Open Campus is an annual event of Vietnam Japan University. At this festival, attendees will have the opportunity to listen to the introduction of undergraduate and graduate programs at Vietnam Japan University; meet lecturers from these programs; get advice on choosing suitable programs, scholarship opportunities, and careers; visit the training facility of the and meet and share the experiences of VJU students and alumni about their learning experiences, internships, scholarship applications, and self-expression with Japanese employers.

Admission information for the 1st batch of Vietnam Japan University in 2023

1. University level: According to the method of admission and interviewing:

  • Application deadline: 5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 8, 2023.
  • Interview date: April 15-16, 2023

2. Master level:

  • Receive applications: From February 2023 to April 15, 2023
  • Announcement of interview list: April 18, 2023
  • Interview with candidates: April 22-23, 2023*
  • Announcement of results and admission: May 2023

Information about training programs

6 Bachelor/Engineer Programs:

  • Japan Studies (BJS)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (BCSE)
  • Civil Engineering (ECE)
  • Smart Agriculture and Sustainability (ESAS)
  • Food Technology and Health (EFTH) (to be opened in 2023)
  • Intelligent Mechatronics and Japanese Manufacturing (EMJM) (to be opened in 2023)

8 Master Programs:

  • Area Studies (Japanese Studies/Vietnamese Studies) (MAS)
  • Business Administration (MBA)
  • Public Policy (MPP)
  • Global Leadership (MGL)
  • Nanotechnology (MNT)
  • Civil Engineering (MCE)
  • Environmental Engineering (MEE)
  • Climate Change and Development (MCCD)

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