Ibaraki University is the coordinating university of MCCD (Master of Climate Change and Development) of VJU. The university, founded in 1949 and located in the National Capital Region, is given a bountiful land and rich water environment, and also has rich and varied industries such as agriculture and manufacturing. With 5 colleges, Humanities and Social Sciences, Education, Science, Engineering, and Agriculture, Ibaraki University makes contributions to build a sustainable society through unique research and education. In particular, quantum beam science, taking advantage of the accumulation of facilities in the surrounding area, and adaptation science for climate change are its world-class strengths.

This online Campus Tour allows students and who concern to experience a second online campus tour at Ibaraki University. You are welcome to join us and make questions to VJU and lecturers from Ibaraki University. Special guests are professors from Graduate school of Agriculture and Graduate school of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University, who will be there to welcome students and answer all the questions. Detailed program of the tour is under:

Timetable (navigator, Ishikawa)




Time (min)


Introduction of Ibaraki University




Graduate school of Agriculture, Prof. Ohkubo

Graduate school of Agriculture, Prof. Yasue

Graduate school of Agriculture, Prof. Narisawa


Graduate school of Science and Engineering, Prof. Kita

Graduate school of Science and Engineering, Assoc.Prof. akazuki

Graduate school of Science and Engineering, Prof. Yokoki

Graduate school of Science and Engineering, Assoc.Prof. Fujita





Q&A session




Ph.D students

Date: Thursday, 28 July 2021 at 16:30pm

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/4607928281…
ID: 460 792 8281, Passcode: 159559 

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