1. Thời gian và địa điểm

– Thời gian: 11:00-12:00, Thứ năm, 18/05/2023
– Địa điểm: Trực tuyến thông qua nền tảng Zoom

Link tham gia: https://zoom.us/j/95820929123?pwd=aUlYd3pXOVVmZHdtbERRQzcwQk5hdz09
ID cuộc họp: 958 2092 9123
Mật mã: 1234

2. Diễn giả: TS. Than Hong Phuc – Giảng viên thỉnh giảng tại VJU

3. Đề tài: Energy Harvesting InGaP/GaAs Heterojunction Photosensor 

4. Abstract:

Currently, power devices made of silicon (Si) is approach ing fundamental performance limitations. New generations of power devices based on the wide-bandgap semiconductor, such as (Silicon carbide) SiC, (Gallium Nitride) GaN, (Gallium Oxide) Ga2O3, diamond, are expected to replace of Si because of great advantages in size, weight and power consumption. The InGaP/GaAs heterojunction phototransistor (HPT) and GaAs solar cell were monolithically integrated on an HPT epitaxial wafer, and the battery-free operation of the photosensor was successfully demonstrated for energy harvesting. Additionally, radiation hardness of the energy-harvesting InGaP/GaAs HPT, which was confirmed after the high-energy electron irradiation, guarantees its space application.

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