How long have you been living in Viet Nam?

I have lived in Viet Nam just over a year now. 

How do you feel about Vietnamese students?

I enjoy working with my Vietnamese students very much. My students are enthusiastic, initiative and very vocal in the classrooms. My students always actively share their thoughts, opinions and perspectives openly, which is a learning opportunity for me as well! 

What are your specializations?

International Higher Education, Comparative Education, International Education Policy, International Studies

How do you fill the communication gap with students in classes when there are difficult issues?

MGL is a very tightly knit community as we have a small number of students. When there is a communication gap, I always have someone around to help out! My students are excellent at cooperating and assisting each other, so it is like having many teaching assistants in the class. 

What criteria/skills do you think students should gain to become good global leaders in the future?

While there are wide array of valuable skills our students gain from our program, I personally think that ability to understand global issues from a various perspective is the most important one. As global leaders, it is necessary to understand the different perspectives that each member of the global community has, and to able to understand it wholeheartedly. MGL trains our students to do exactly that through diverse courses and training at Waseda University, where they can learn and interact with students from all over the world. 

How does MGL work with Japanese university partner in their training program?

Firstly, many MGL professors from Waseda University have experiences at international organizations. This career background combined with many years of experience in teaching, MGL offers one of the highest quality program for future global leaders. If you are interested in a career in a global setting, MGL may be a perfect place to start. 

Also as mentioned earlier, MGL is a very tightly knit community. MGL students and professors often build very close relationships.  MGL provide a venue to share experiences and world views between the professors and students rather than just delivering knowledge from one party to another. I truly hope that you will join MGL and see this exciting place yourself! 

What are interesting in MGLs?

Beside credits in general knowledge, other courses focus in Politics and Security, Economy and Society/Culture.

In Politics and Security, we offer learners courses in International Relations, Media and Politics, Theory of International Politics, International Security, Theory of International Organizations, Policy Society and Culture in Southeast Asia, International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region.

In Economy, learners are about to study issues in International Economics, Environmental Economics and Environmental Policy, Technology Transfer and Innovation in ASEAN Economies, Development Economics, Asia-Pacific Economic Studies, National Strategy and Change Management.

In Society/Culture, courses are bended to Social Anthropology, Global Sociology, East Asian Political Culture, Human Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Policy Analysis of Comparative and International Education, World of Gender, Special Lecture on Global Leadership…

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