Labour Based Technology (LBT) has been adopted in various regions as a method for residents to maintain and repair roads and agricultural facilities by themselves. LBT is a technology to maintain urban infrastructure such as roads, drainage facilities, and sidewalks on their own, using locally available materials, equipment, and human resources.

In Africa, this technology has been introduced in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Tanzania, a JICA technical cooperation project was launched from 2006 to 2010, and Prof. Tokunaga was involved in this project.

In Asia and Japan, Prof. Tokunaga and Associate Prof. Takeda and other research groups conducted surveys in Japan and abroad. In particular, a road pavement project in the northeastern part of Thailand was conducted with high quality road pavement under the leadership of a technical leader with road design skills. There was an interesting historical background.

In the lunchtime meeting, Prof. Takeda and Prof. Tokunaga will discuss the cases in Northeastern Thailand and Tanzania, respectively.

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