At Vietnam Japan University, students have a lot of opportunities to study abroad, especially in Japan. Various types of study abroad/overseas training programs and international exchange programs are being offered.
In 2023, more than (Number) students have studied abroad in long-term or short-term programs.

Long-term exchange programs
VJU has student exchange agreements with some universities, giving students the opportunity to study abroad for a semester or a year at one of the partner universities.
Fukuoka Women’s University, Japan
Chuo University, Japan
Yamanashi Gakuin University, Japan
Kobe College, Japan
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Waseda University, Japan
Nagoya University, Japan
Kyushu University, Japan etc.

Short-term exchange programs
In addition to long-term exchange programs, there are many opportunities to go abroad for short periods of time.
Waseda University, Japan
Fukuoka Asian Urban Research Center, Japan
J.F. Oberlin University, Japan
Minamata Environmental Academia, Japan
Youth Global Leadership Program in Seoul, South Korea etc.

Internship Program for Master Programs
All Master programs offer internship program opportunities in Japan.In this internship program, master’s students have the opportunity to deepen their research activities by visiting either coordinating universities and/or institutes, organization, and companies in Japan. It brings a lot of opportunities for VJU students for further career and continuing studying in Japan.
Students with Internship Experience Interview
Mr. Long LE
Master’s Program in Business Administration
Ms. Nguyễn Thanh Phương
Master's Program in Global Leadership
Ms. Nguyễn Thị Phương Lan
Master's Program in Climate Change and Development
After graduating from college for four years, I was faced with the choice of continuing to study for a master’s degree or working. I found information about the Master of Business Administration – In Vietnam Japan University coordination with Yokohama National University. After orientation sessions to introduce the course and have conversations with Hino sensei and Huong san (assistant of the MBA course), I realized that studying MBA would be my goal for the next two years. Two years passed quickly; we learned primarily online during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Despite many difficulties and being unable to intern in Japan and face to face in the classroom, the teachers and students tried their best to overcome and have good results. In addition to studying with professors at YNU, I also have very friendly classmates; we often exchange knowledge and share experiences with each other. Knowledge of finance and accounting, corporate governance, human resource management, and risk management has helped me a lot when entering a real business.
I was most impressed when I studied the Operations Management course of Matsui sensei. With continuous improvement and building a scientific production process, I understand why Japan can rise to the top industrial countries in the world. Luckily, in semester 3, I got an internship at the Mizuho Bank Hanoi branch. The internship period was very short, only three weeks, but I learned and applied my knowledge of banking and finance. That motivates me to become an employee here in the future. I got a full-time job in the Japanese Corporate department in Jun 2022. After more than one year working here, the skills I have cultivated and acquired at VJU have helped me to be more confident and complete the job better. I believe that the graduates of VJU will always be high-quality human resources with background knowledge and meet the needs of employers.
My name is Nguyen Thanh Phuong, and you can call me Phuong. I’m currently a second-year graduate student at VJU, attending Master’s program in Global Leadership (MGL). My research topic is regarding regionalization of higher education, right now, I’m investigating student mobility within the ASEAN region. I have always been fascinated by education, especially higher education and the various forms of it, that’s why I enrolled in VJU. I see this as a very unique environment because it is a binational university, there aren’t a lot of universities with such a model in the world. I get the chance to experience an international education while still staying in my home country.
I joined the Internship program at Waseda University for 2 weeks in February 2023. I want to say that my impression of Waseda is a great one. It’s the trip of a lifetime and I really appreciate the efforts of everyone involved in the process of preparing and conducting our internship. I know it is a lot of paperwork and preparation and planning for not only our professors but also the admin staff. So when I left Japan, I feel that a part of me stayed and a part of Japan stayed in my heart also, because of the connections I have made with the wonderful people here. I am a lucky person because I got to enjoy and experience it so much, thanks to the warm welcome of the Japanese people.
With regard to my research, I have gotten access to many materials from Waseda library that I could not reach in Vietnam. I also got to spend time discussing at length and in person with my supervisor about my research topic, so it is a rewarding time for me to develop my research direction. My master’s thesis has progressed since the internship in Japan, which I hope will help in my defence in June. As for future research, during the trip, I had so many questions left unanswered and many new ideas, so I intend to reorganize them and develop new research topics, especially regarding education, since I have seen different educational models. Education for social inclusion and the resestablishment of lost communities can be very interesting topics for me to explore in the future.
My name is Lan Nguyen, student of the Master of Climate Change and Development (MCCD) program. I am currently working in climate policy, supporting Vietnamese government, specifically the Department of Climate Change at Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in development and strengthening of the governing mechanisms for climate actions. Studying at MCCD provides me with profound support for my work as I can attain here knowledge of climate science, skills to assess climate risks and experiences in undertaking actions in response to climate change.
In November 2022, together with my classmates, I undertook a 2-weeks internship hosted by Ibaraki University, Japan. From my point of view, the internship was designed and successfully provided in reality a comprehensive picture of how Japan is dealing with climate change. As for that we had a precious chance to meet with different stakeholders engaging in the climate adaptation and mitigation actions in Japan.
I find the internship very useful for my current work and research topic in climate policy. Given the different situation and context, a lot of ideas initiated and currently implemented in Japan could be applied for Vietnam. Examples include the establishment of connecting focal point for climate actions like the Ibaraki Local Climate Change Adaptation Centre or the information sharing platform at national level for disaster response like the SIP4D (Shared Information Platform for Disaster Management) and its ISUT (Information Support Team) under the management of the above mentioned National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience.