On July 21, 2014, after a long time of incubation and preparation, the Prime Minister of Vietnam issued Decision 1186/QD-TTG to officially establish Vietnam Japan University, a high-quality universary, a symbol of the good cooperation between Vietnam and Japan.
After 8 years of development, up to now, VJU has reached many remarkable achievements. 08 Master’s programs and 04 undergraduate programs, including Bachelor and Engineering, have been built and operated according to Japanese standards. Among them, two new majors have officially come into teaching in the upcoming 2022-2023 school year, which are Engineer in Civil Engineering and Engineer in Smart Agriculture and Sustainability. Scientific research activities continue to be invested and developed in both quantity and quality.

VJU students, especially Master’s students, have achieved many international achievements and awards. Many of them have continued on to study doctoral programs at partner universities in Japan and around the world.

VJU understands that, with the responsibility and mission of training high-quality human resources for Vietnamese, Japanese and international businesses, VJU still has a long pathway to go ahead. With the youth and determination of each lecturer, staff and student, Vietnam Japan University will firmly move forward to build an international academic center, an excellent research-oriented university in Vietnam in particular and Asia in general.

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