VJU is providing practical learning opportunities with the students. Utilizing the strong connection with Japanese companies, VJU have organized many field tours to visit Japanese company’s business site.

On July 7th, Fuji Xerox Vietnam invited VJU students to bus tour visiting their Hai Phong factory in VSIP industrial park. 8 VJU students who are strongly interested in Japanese style “Kaizen” joined the tour.

First, to enter the factory, we needed to put two bags for both of shoes not to bring any dust or dirt inside. In fact, the floor of the factory was so shiny.

At the meeting room, the representative of Hai Phong factory organized information session on Fuji Xerox Hai Phong. Surprisingly, the factory started its production in 2012, now they are producing 1/4 of products of the entire company in global. There are around 2,400 staff is working in the factory.

Then, we visited many places inside the factory such as production line, shipment space, molding machine, operation checking line and etc. One of the highlight for some students was that the factory provides the line for the pregnant worker who can sit while they work all day. The pregnant workers do not have to move so it is maternity friendly environment. Since VJU students found many ideas of Kaizen in the factory, they overwhelmed the staff with asking so many questions.

We are sincerely appreciate the cooperation of Fuji Xerox Hai Phong factory.

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