A seminar titled “UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. What is at stake?” was successfully organized by UNESCO in collaboration with Vietnam Japan University on November 29, 2023. The seminar attracted a large number of experts, lecturers, and students who attended both in person and online.

The speaker of the seminar, Mr Phinith Chanthalangsy, Regional Advisor for the Social and Human Sciences, in the UNESCO Bangkok Office (Thailand), pointed out the development of artificial intelligence and applying artificial intelligence affects life such as Cognitive, Socio-Political, and Institutional.

Mr Phinith Chanthalangsy, Regional Advisor for the Social and Human Sciences, in the UNESCO Bangkok Office (Thailand)

Next, Mr. Phinith Chanthalangsy shared recommendations on the ethics of artificial intelligence and implementation strategies. Main elements of the Implementation Strategy:
Firstly, Elaboration on the capacity-building and monitoring tools: Readiness Assessment Methodology; Ethical Impact Assessment;
Secondly, AI Experts Without Borders: a roster of experts to be managed by UNESCO for deployment in beneficiary countries for targeted capacity-building interventions;
Thirdly, Women for Ethical AI Network (W4ethicalAI) to spearhead the implementation and deployment of the Recommendation from a gender perspective;
Fourth, the Global Forum on Ethics of AI is an annual high-level flagship event;
Lastly, the Observatory of AI Ethics gathers state-of-the-art analysis around the world on ethical AI.

During the open Q&A session, VJU students asked the speaker many interesting and urgent questions about AI, including its potential impact on future careers and ethical research. The conference received many comments from participating audiences that helped clarify the ethical challenges of AI for social life; At the same time, we provide UNESCO’s proposed recommendations and implications for changes in institutions, policies, and laws on ethics related to AI.

The conference provides a valuable opportunity for students enrolled in the Computer Science and Engineering (BCSE) program at Vietnam Japan University to gain practical knowledge about AI development. By attending the conference, students can identify challenges, learn from international experiences, and proactively prepare themselves with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their future careers.

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